

Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund

The Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund (Long Short Fund) is an Australian unit trust, managed by Auscap Asset Management Limitied (Investment Manager and Responsible Entity). The Long Short Fund’s objective is to generate strong absolute returns in excess of the Benchmark, which is the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index.

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Auscap Ex-20 Australian Equities Fund

The Auscap Ex-20 Australian Equities Fund (Ex-20 Fund) is an Australian unit trust, managed by Auscap Asset Management Limitied (Investment Manager and Responsible Entity). The Ex-20 Fund’s objective is to seek to outperform its benchmark, being the S&P/ASX300 ex S&P/ASX20 Index (Benchmark) over the suggested minimum investment time for 5 years.

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