Risk Management Overview
Strong and disciplined risk management is a key attribute of the Auscap investment management process. Portfolio decisions are the responsibility of both Portfolio Managers and the preservation of capital will be a central tenet to the way Auscap manage funds.
Risk Management Framework
- Risk managed daily via internal and external reporting
- Monthly reporting of Fund returns to Investors
- Independent Custodian, Administrator and Prime Broker
- Tier One Fund auditor, tax advisor, legal advisor
Risk Management Process
- Position size will vary according to level of conviction of portfolio managers and liquidity
- Risk calculated and monitored daily by Auscap utilising Aggregate, Sector and Single name exposure and Scenario Analysis risk management tools
- Capital preservation focus with continual review and analysis of positions
- Minimising investment in illiquid securities
- In the absence of compelling opportunities the Fund may hold cash
Corporate Governance
Formal procedures for managing corporate governance issues and the key risks to both the Auscap Fund and the business including policies covering:
- Auscap Code of Conduct
- Conflicts of Interest
- Privacy
- Complaints & Disputes Handling
- Risk Management
- Compliance Management
- Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing
- Security
- Business Continuity
- Licensing Regulation
- Human Resources
- Outsourcing
- Management
- Training and Supervision